بازدید امروز : 180
بازدید دیروز : 9
Evaluation and Treatment of Chemotherapy Extravasation Injuries
Ali Reza Farid Khomami
Mahak children"s hospital
Extravasation of chemotherapic vesicant agents can result in significant tissue damage , alteration in limb function , and pain
cytotoxic chemotherapy can cause local reactions with varying degrees of severity following extravasation. Quality of life for long-term survivors can be severely impacted by negative sequelae from vesicant extravasation
Today , intravenous cannulation and administration of cytotoxic chemotherapy are frequently performed by nurses. therafore , measures which promote the prevention of extravasation are explored in this paper and suggestions for clinical practice are made. Currently , there is no known prevention therapy. early detection and intervention are paramount to halt tissue damage and reduce the chance of permanent disability or disfiguration
vesicant , irritant and flare reaction are defined , and managment options for each are debated
This workshop provides an overwiew of known chemotherapeutic vesicants mechlorethamine , mitomycin , doxorobicin , vincristine and vinblastine , site , vascular access devices and centeral venous lines , curent treatment strategies , and investigational therapies. This workshop also is a review of the last finding about risk factors , classification of complication of chemotherapy drug leakage , assessment and treatment of extravasation , nursing care , documentation and legal consideration , education and home care patients
A brief discussion of the legal implications of extravasation injuries and recommended key points for medical record documentation are included. finally , in the light of experience and available evidence , a new uncomplication managment protocol is proposed
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